Vinyl Level Top Picket Fence Design Ideas, Pictures

A level top picket vinyl fence is most popular for use in front yards, along driveways and around gardens.

Typical heights are 3’, 3 ½’ and 4’, but nearly any height is available because we fabricate everything in-house.

Post caps for level top picket fences can be pointed, spade or dog ear style. You can choose different picket spacing other than standard (2 ½”) to give more view, or less to make sure pets or other animals do not get through.

Photos of Level Top Picket Fence Installations

Browse photos of level top picket fence installations by Vinyl Concepts. Contact us at (877) 528-4695 or visit any of our showrooms to see more photos.

Post Caps for Level Top Picket Fences

We can top off any level top picket fence with a wide selection of post caps. Below are photos of the most popular vinyl post caps. Contact us at (877) 528-4695 or visit any of our showrooms to see more examples of fence post caps.