Vinyl Fences Contractor

Vinyl Concepts builds and installs gorgeous vinyl fences for homeowners, property management companies and HOAs in Los Angeles and surrounding areas of Ventura County, Orange County and Santa Barbara County.

Our fence contractors fabricate vinyl fencing in our own factories. This insures optimum performance for high quality, low maintenance vinyl fences in a wide assortment of colors.

Standard and custom vinyl fences in various styles, heights and configurations are no problem. Virtually any fence style that can be made out of wood or ornamental iron can be made out of vinyl. The styles are only limited by your imagination.

Styles of Vinyl Fences

Browse these styles of fences built and installed by Vinyl Concepts in Southern California. Call us at (877) 528-4695 or visit any of our showrooms to speak to a highly trained representative who can explain how each fence style accents or defines property areas and landscape structures.

Closed Top Picket

closed top vinyl picket fence

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Level Top Picket

level top vinyl picket fence

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Scalloped Top Picket

scalloped top vinyl picket fence

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Wall Toppers

vinyl wall topper fence

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Alternative Styles

semi privacy vinyl fence

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3 Reasons to Choose a Vinyl Fence Replacement

If you own a wood fence you know how tedious and repetitive it can be to maintain it. Scraping, prepping and repainting a wooden fence is a lot of work and can be expensive if you hire someone to do it. Plus, a wood fence can attract termites. If left untreated, your wood fence could be destroyed

Replacing it with a vinyl fence is a smarter alternative.

  1. Low Maintenance. A vinyl fence requires a limited amount of maintenance. Because it’s surface is non-porous, washing the fence with a mild household detergent and water will keep it looking new.
  2. No Painting. A vinyl fence requires no paint cycles. It does not use VOC laden paints and stains. All our products contain the ideal amount of non-chalking titanium dioxide (TiO2), as well as high grade stabilizers and other ingredients, which prevents ultraviolet degradation. All of our vinyl fences are warranted against discoloration and have been field tested to maintain their color.
  3. Durability. A vinyl fence is very strong and durable. You should not expect to find surface cracking, peeling, chipping, rotting, or fading. Such defects are covered by the manufacturer’s residential limited lifetime warranty. The warranty for multi family and commercial uses is 30 years.

You may like reading this related article: 5 Reasons to Install a Vinyl Privacy Fence.

Locations for a Vinyl Fence Installation

Where you decide to install a vinyl fence depends on a range of factors such as privacy, security and aesthetics. Below are the most common locations we install our vinyl fences for customers that want to enhance or define property lines or boundary lines.

  • Backyards
  • Front yards
  • Side yards
  • Swimming Pools

  • Patios
  • Porches
  • Common areas
  • Decks

  • Driveways
  • Gardens
  • Court yards
  • Playgrounds

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